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Raw Honey Banana Powder Balls

Raw Honey Banana Powder Balls

Raw Honey Banana Powder Balls are easy and healthy snacks for both adults, children, and infants. Raw banana powder is a conventional baby food used in Kerala, India. It’s one of the first solid foods people feed infants. They begin their food journey with this yummy and heathy food.


15 Minutes


Store on the fridge, separating layers with parchment paper





Raw banana. Banana is one of the best superfoods. The problem is that bananas from a supermarket are always harvested green limiting the potential for taste and nutrients versus ripe banana powder made from bananas ripened at the source, the tree. Ripe banana powder provides great health benefits that a harvested unripe banana can’t. Banana powder helps infants grow strong and gain weight. An excellent source of minerals, dietary fiber, and vitamins, the ripe banana powder is known to be effective for healthy digestion. Worldwide, banana is one of the most popular ingredients for baby food and meals of professional athletes. This snack is gluten-free, zero oil, dairy-free, vegan, and a paleo sweet.


  • 1 cup ripe banana powder
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 3 tablespoons shredded coconut
  • 1/4 cup panela sugarcane powder
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg powder
  • Hot water (if needed)

Preparation & Cooking Instructions

  1. Mix together water and panela sugarcane powder in a bowl. Heat until boiling. Simmer for 2 minutes then remove from the heat. I should become a syrup like substance. Set aside for later.
  2. In another bowl, mix together the coconut, cardamom, banana powder, and nutmeg powder.
  3. Add the panela syrup and honey and into the bowl then mix. All of the panela syrup is not required. Pour small portions at a time and blend until everything mixes together.
  4. Mix until all ingredients even out and roll into balls.
  5. Make small lemon size balls by rolling.
  6. Keep them fresh in an air-tight container for 5 days in a refrigerator.