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Purveyor of Fine Superfoods

Rarities & Oldies but Goodies

Wellness of nature packed in ultra-pure powder.

Easy. Convenient. Nutritious. Store, mix and match the nutrient-rich benefits and flavors of tropical, temperate, boreal, and evergreen forests. Spice it up with bayou and mangrove superfoods. Start your exploration of flavor and benefits here.


From Nature to Your Table

Curated and selected with health in mind, simple, wholesome, plant-based, fruits, vegetables, grains, not trends or fads, but the building blocks of healthy nutrition conveniently dehydrated into easily sprinkled, blendable powder for exercise enthusiasts, bakers, blenders, and explorers. From nature comes nourishment for foodies that want to be disciplined on weekdays and cheat on the weekends.


Scouting Quality

Our scouts & explorers venture into areas of the world to bring food-grade quality ingredients for individuals, flavor houses, food processors, bakers while valuing the livelihood and efforts of everyone overseas in the supply chain, from the wild berry picker, farmer, collection yards, processors, logistics, packers and fulfillment centers in the US.

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Share Experiences

Guidance and community feedback from actual explorers, athletes, gym enthusiasts, extreme sports daredevils and local guides. Check out our Explorers page for real-world feedback of our community and tips, recipes, legends and more.
