The Amazing Health Benefits of Maqui Berry

Maqui is an amazing purple berry that grows wild on the rainforest hillsides of Southern Chile. Berries, in general, are known as superfoods, which are rich in vitamins and have immune-boosting components. Research suggests that maqui berries have an abundance of even more health benefits than blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and other popular berries. Now, organic freeze-dried maqui berry powder and all of its amazing health benefits can be enjoyed throughout the world. The berries are freeze-dried into a powder to sustain the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Known maqui benefits include:
1. Anti-inflammatory relief: Maqui berries provide relief from arthritis, joint pain, and other inflammatory diseases.
2. Anti-aging benefits: Maqui berries are full of antioxidants that fight free radicals, which cause wrinkles and premature aging. Maqui berries nourish the skin cells, slowing down the aging process. Maqui can be added to topical lotions and creams, too.
3. Metabolism booster: Maqui berries boost the metabolism, provide energy and stamina, and even aid in digestion and weight loss.
4. Immune system enhancer: Regular consumption of maqui berries enhance the overall immune system to fight diseases. These berries also effectively treat the symptoms and severity of the common cold and flu.
5. Cancer and virus fighter: Maqui berries are packed with antioxidants and antiviral properties that continually fight off free radicals that cause cancer and viruses at the cellular level.
6. Full of essential vitamins and nutrients: Maqui berries contain calcium, potassium and vitamin C, which are nutrients needed to maintain a balanced, healthy body.
7. Promotes weight loss: Maqui berries have very few calories, boost metabolism and assist in balancing blood sugar levels. Therefore, the berries help to reduce the production of fat cells, which helps with successful weight loss.
8. Reduces eye fatigue: Maqui berries assist in eye health and provide protection from ultraviolet light and eye fatigue caused by computer overuse.